Measuring your Knowledge Management Framework Success using NPS

 As Drucker says – “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”.

In the highly competitive market landscape, knowledge management (KM) has now been well established as a requisite to innovation. The knowledge that is streamlined, relevant, and readily available round the clock fosters productivity, efficiency, and innovation to help organizations improve their competitive edge. Nevertheless, the Knowledge Management system and capabilities need to be constantly revised and improved in order to be aligned with business goals and assist the organization.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one of the most effective tools for gathering feedback and measuring the effectiveness of your Knowledge Management system. A high NPS score indicates a well-built KM system.

NPS measures the effectiveness of your current KM framework using a 0 to 10 scale.  You only need to ask your target audience one question – “how likely are you to recommend a specific service/community to a colleague or friend?”. Based on their response, you divide your audience into three categories. Here's how:




Gave score 6 or below

Gave a score between 7 to 8

Gave scare between 9 and 10

Not very happy with the service and unlikely to reuse or recommend it

Although somewhat satisfied, they are not overly excited. The results may not be negative, but they are not enthusiastic enough to promote it.

They will continue to use and recommend your services.

How to Analyze the NPS Score and Improve the KM system

For your KM survey, you can ask a single question similar to the following examples:

“How likely are you to recommend the Professional Community to a colleague”?

“How likely are you to recommend a specific KM tool or service to a colleague”?

You can gain valuable insight into what's working and what's not by asking respondents why they chose the score and how the service or community is helping people from an enablement and business value perspective:


Business Value

Help collaborate

Improve the quality of their deliverables

Help learn new skills

Increase depth of skills in their area of specialty

Connect to content and people

Increase productivity

Help Innovate

Enhance engagement

How to Calculate NPS from the above Data?

% Promoters - % Detractors

NPS is a score generated between -100 and 100. If the score falls to the left of the spectrum, it is evident that people are not happy; similarly, if the score falls to the right of the spectrum, employees are happy. Creating actionable insights from the score and feedback received is key to improving engagement.

The goal should be to convert detractors into promoters and keep track of how NPS changes over time. As you map your future KM roadmap, you'll be able to gauge how your current KM strategy is working and what changes you should make to empower your employees and the entire organization.


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