
Showing posts from March, 2022

Breaking the Knowledge Silos Barrier

Innovation is a buzzword for organizations today that are striving to be the best in the highly competitive world. How do we use the collective brains of people in an organization to innovate? The easy and the simplest answer is to break the knowledge silos that most organizations struggle with, more so with flexible and WFH culture becoming a part of the corporate world. And the fact of the matter is that Hybrid and WFH culture is here to stay so the organizations that fail to come up with ways to break these silos now should be ready to face even bigger and harder-to-solve challenges in the future in terms of knowledge loss and ability to maintain their competitive edge. So, what is knowledge silos?  It is the long prevalent culture where knowledge and information from a team member or a team stay within the team with no protocols in place to take it to the whole organization. The lack of knowledge management protocols and processes to ensure the distribution of knowledge across team